

Mice Pest Control

All kinds of pests, from Mice and rodents, to flies are harmful not only for the property but also the safety of its inhabitants. These seemingly harmless and insignificant creatures can be an absolute menace if left unchecked for long. Destroying the infrastructure of the place, spreading diseases, deteriorating the decor of the building are just a few of the many problems that a pest infestation can lead to. Yes, pests hold the power to shut down businesses, cancel licenses and terminate contracts- a scary scenario for any entrepreneur! 
From commercial undertakings to personal houses, Mice have taken over almost every living space available. A rat running around the house is a common sight for homemakers, though not a very pretty one. These creatures are notoriously famous for their destructive activities. Nibbling away the furniture, digging tunnels, and destroying curtains happen to be their forte. Don’t worry though, the pest control services at Perth got you covered. Read on to know all about our rat control techniques below: 

Mice – Appearance and Lifestyle

Mice are small, furry, beady-eyed creatures that intrude your homes and leave nothing but destruction in their wake. They live like vagabonds and usually come out only at nights, scurrying around the property looking for food and water. Mice are smaller than moles but larger than mice, although many people often confuse the three pests. They are easily distinguished from their rodent peers by their exceptionally large incisor front teeth that can cut through almost everything. Moreover, Mice breed really fast- it doesn’t take long for a couple of Mice to become a huge hoard! 
Mice can grow big and weigh as much as 500 grams or be really small and pass through the narrowest of tunnels easily. In Australia, the most common rat species are roof Mice, rice Mice, marsh Mice, Norway Mice, huge brown Mice, bush Mice, house Mice and long haired Mice. Each of these types has their own eating habits and preferences

Signs of Mice Infestation 

There are numerous signs that indicate a rat infestation in your property, the most important and significant of them being when you observe a number of Mice running about the house and damaging the furniture. Dark brown or black tapered rat droppings, mud trails, rub marks, scratching noises, rat tunnels and paw markings are other signs that shun light on the severity of the infestation. 
In case you notice a couple of Mice around the house you can curb them using simple home remedies and over-the-counter products. However, note that the solutions will be short term and probably doesn’t guarantee a long-term solution. 

Home Remedies for Curbing Mice in the House 

Owing to the hot and humid climate of Australia, Mice are a common thing in Perth. However, just a few Mice can cause enough mayhem to shake the very foundations of your home. Mice are also carriers of various disease causing germs and pathogens that can spread communicable infections such as plague, cholera, dysentery and several allergic reactions. It is mandatory that you take powerful steps to curb the infestation at home before you call in for professionals rather than leave the problem unattended. 
Moth balls, ammonia, peppermint oil, pepper, bay leaves, onions, cow dung, baby powder and even wool are some of the most common DIY remedies that are readily available in almost every home. All of these fixtures hardly take about a couple of minutes to apply and the results are almost instantaneous! 

Professional Rat Control Strategies 

You know it is high time you call in the professional rat control service when all home remedies fail to produce the desired results, i.e., exterminate the Mice from the property. Rat removal Perth, with their years of experience and scientific pest control methods, can handle rat infestation irrespective of its severity. Mentioned below is the detailed explanation of all our services and how the pest control team works towards freeing your house from pests. 

The STOP System 

The STOP system is an innovative and revolutionary mechanism developed by pest control agencies that ensure a systematic and thorough extermination of pests from the house without damaging the property or harming the members of the house. The process covers each aspect of the pest control operation right from the rat inspection services to the removal. 

Surveying the Area 

The first step in the process is to identify the area of infestation. This includes surveying every tiny corner of the property, thoroughly looking for signs that indicate the presence of Mice. The rat inspection service is carried out using rat tracking gadgets and other high-tech navigational tools that can track the movements of Mice in a jiffy. All the tracking devices, rat traps and sprays used by pest control agencies at Perth are eco-friendly and cause no harm whatsoever to the inhabitants of the place. 

Treating the Infestation 

Once the team has successfully tracked the nesting and breeding ground of the Mice, the next step is to install the various traps and devices that can catch them. For this, the pest control team employs various advanced rat traps and gadgets that immediately kill the Mice in the most humane way possible. The treatment process also includes the use of various ultrasonic devices that can scare away the Mice. The team even sprays the external walls of the house with chemicals so as to ensure that the Mice never return.  

Observing the Results 

After the team is done setting up traps and installing the various devices, they wait and observe the consequences of their rat control services. The process takes a couple of hours, a day or two at max depending on the scale and intensity of the infestation. The team also takes care of any damages that might have occurred during the operation, this includes anything between repairing the roof, broken windows and fixing the plumbing.

Precautionary Measures

Last but not the least, the team would install barriers in and around the property to prevent the risk of a future infestation. The team will also brief the members of the family about the various precautionary measures that they must take to prevent Mice from resettling in the area. 

Side Effects of Rat Control Services 

Although the experts of rat removal Perth include the most eco-friendly techniques, there may be instances when the inhabitants of the house might suffer from some mild allergic reactions and infections. The insecticides and chemicals used by the pest control team can be fatal for humans and animals if consumed. Moreover, the traps and barriers set by the team must be kept out of the reach of children and pets as it can hurt them.